Mehdi Ali Akbarzadeh is Appointed as the General Director of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults

Mehdi Ali Akbarzadeh is appointed as the General Director of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults by order of the Minster of Education.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Mohsen Haji-Mirzaei by this order has pointed at Mehdi Ali Akbari’s commitment, competence and precious experience.

Through the order, Ali Akbarzadeh is asked to cooperate with various organizations and assistances with outmost endeavor to provide the required facilities to help flourish children and adolescents’ talents based on Islamic values and teaching principles within Kanoon working frames; to strengthen schools as the main institutions to supply educational chances, connect families to schools by executing effective programs in this regard.

One part of the order puts emphasis on the founding and launching services for books and cultural products and promoting of contribution of cultural and scientific of characters, committed artists, well-known authors, institutes, NGO’s, non-governmental organizations, creative and revolutionary youngsters in their policies and programs.

At the same time, there is emphasis on the proper use of Kanoon facilities and capacities in order to strengthen children and adolescent’s sense of aesthetic and artistic, to develop the production and distribution of movies, plays, theater and multimedia products and games suitable for children and adolescents within the framework of Kanoon statute and reversing documents, decent and continuous presence in the cultural and artistic events and fields of the country, holding festivals and exhibitions for children and adolescents, was another part of this order on which Mohsen Haji-Mirzaei has put emphasis.

In another part of this decree, the Minister of Education emphasizes the training and empowering of human resources, observing the appropriate selection of management, strengthening the supervision of performances with the approach of maximum use of young, motivated and committed staff, as well as effective use of the capacity of the Board of Trustees and the Board of directors, holding regular meetings to protect the material and spiritual assets for achieving Kanoon goals and tasks.

Mehdi Ali Akbarzadeh was born in 1965 in Salmas in the province of West Azerbaijan. He has PhD in history of art, master's degree in educational planning and bachelor's degree in art with focus on painting.

He is a consultant to the Minister of Arts; General Director of Culture and Arts at the Ministry of Education; University Lecturer, Director of the School of Broadcasting; Deputy Research Director of the Ministry of Education: Technical and Professional Planning Office; Deputy Director of Tarbiat Publications; Book Review Expert Education; Advisor to the Deputy Minister of Education, Director of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults of East Azerbaijan Province; General Director of Technical and Vocational Education of East Azerbaijan Province;Deputy Director of Education of Nabi Akram University (UCNB) and Head of the Office of International Affairs of Tabriz Islamic Art University.

Author and publisher of six volumes of books entitled "Scientific Principles of Research in Art", "Color and Education (two editions)", "Color in Children's Painting", "Principles and Foundations of Research Method in Art" and "A Collection of Stories of the Aroma of Hope and Experience" are among Ali Akbarzadeh's writings.

The Minister of Education also thanked and appreciated the valuable efforts and meritorious services of Fazel Nazari, Chairman of the Board and former General Director of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults during the period of managing Kanoon. 

It should be noted that Fazel Nazari has been in charge of this responsibility since December 2017.


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