Holding the International Children Painting Contest with “Clean Hands” as Theme

Kanoon in Khorasan Razavi announces a call for the international children painting contest with the theme of “Clean Hands, Saving Life”.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, with Corona disease spreading in Iran and many other countries in the world, personal hygiene and washing hands are getting more importance. Health and medicine specialists say that following hygiene disturbs the circulation of the virus.

Kanoon in Khorasan, with Mashhad Medicine University contribution and Geneva Center for Infection Control as the center that works with World Health Organization has announced an international painting contest with the goal of constructing culture with the focus on personal and public hygiene.

The theme for this contest is “The Hygiene of My Hands” (clothes, toys, food, family, friends, home, city and the world in which I live), and “The Hands that Take Care of My Health” (Father, Mother, Doctor, and the ones who are in charge of the child health).

According to this report, children and adolescents aged from 4 to 18 can upload their free technique paintings measured 50 x 70 centimeter on the special page of the contest on Kanoon portal paintfest.kpf.ir in the national and international section.

You can send your works for the national section until May 20 and for the international section until July 15, 2020.

Every participant can only send one individual work and one group work.

Judgement for the paintings is supposed to be done in July and the result will be announced in August.

The selected works will receive honorary diploma, the badge of the content, a bicycle and a book of selected works. In the international section, an honorary diploma, the contest badge and the book of selected works will be awarded.

The call can be seen in English, Farsi, and Arabic in the following site: www.kanoonnews.ir

The World Health Organization has announced Corona as the “pandemic disease” due to its spread round the world.


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