News Code: 300526
Publish Date: 22 October 2020 - 10:48
Visit Count 101
Call for Participating in Bratislava Illustration Workshop Published, 2021

Kanoon, Iranian Illustrators Society and Children Book Council published call to participate in UNESCO illustration workshop, Albin Brunovsky, Bratislava, 2021.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, this call is for the proper selection of illustrators in this international art event to participate in the biennial training illustration workshop, Bratislava. 

In the call to introduce young Iranian illustrators to Bratislava workshop, young Iranian illustrators knowing English language are invited to announce their willingness to participate in this workshop by sending their profile and a sample of their work to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs to Hejab St, Next to Sport Hotel. 

Selecting and introducing Iranian illustrators for Bratislava Illustration Workshop is done by joint opinion of Kanoon, Iranian Illustrators Society and Children Book Council. The deadline for sending their works and profile of the interested parties is December 20, 2020. 

Based on the news, a summary of work experience, a photo, and five to ten works in jpg format with quality of 150 dpi are the documents needed to participate in the call. 

Based on this, out of the illustrators responding to the call, one or two are introduced to the workshop.

Biennial of Illustration Bratislava (BIB) is held in Bratislava the capital of the Slovak Republic. This exhibition displays the illustrations of children books. 

This exhibition is in line with the goals of UNESCO,  International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), national commissions and organizations related to fine arts providing an opportunity to visit illustrators and conditions to evaluate works thus to develop and promote this art. 

Festival organizers and sponsors are Slovakia Ministry of Culture, UNESCO National Commission in Slovakia and International House of Art for Children (Bibiana). 

Organizing training workshops for illustrators from developing countries is a side program of this exhibition. This workshop is named after its founder Albin Brunovsky. It is reminded that next round of this workshop will be held from Oct 16 to 22, 2021 in Bratislava.


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