Opening of the Sixth National Toy Exhibition and the First Virtual Toy Store

Internet exhibition and store of Kanoon Sixth National Toy Festival started today, Feb 16, 2021.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the site for National Toy Festival was put to work with the presence of festival organizers. Now children, adolescents and public can have access to it through:

Based on the news, more than 1250 toys and entertainments by 140 manufacturers according to the age category and with various themes are presented in this festival.

Meanwhile, toy experts are ready to advise clients for free to choose and buy the better.

Based on this, the following phone number is set to reply queries. Seven people can communicate with the experts simultaneously. The phone number is: 0098 21 910 70 567

On the other hand, the interested can be in touch with the festival organizers through Whats App: 099 276 13 128, 099 32 115 065, 099 32 115 087 or, through Instagram at: or through telegram channel at:

Kanoon Sixth National Toy Festival is held virtually from Feb 16th to March 1st, 2021 at:


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