The Best Storyteller and Podcast are New Sections of the Storytelling Festival/Festival is Held Virtually

The call for Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival was published with the motto of “Future Must Be Built” with topics such as “Hopes and Wishes”, “Happiness and Sadness”, “Sacrifice” (Resistance in various aspects of life).

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, based on the call, Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival will be held virtually due to the pandemy. The interested in various domains can visit the festival site, register and send their works:
Based on  the news, the executive process of the festival has started on executive process of the festival is going to start on April 14, 2021, and the ending ceremony will be held on Yalda Night (December 21, 2021).

Holding Previous Sections with New Approach.

The national section including live performance (virtual) for storytelling by girls and boys (aged 12 to 18), men and women (above 18), and grandparents is held in three sections of “Stories for Children”, “Stories for Adolescents” and “Stories for Adults”, and “International Section” includes stage competition (virtual). The selected storytellers of 22 rounds of the festival in various regions, national or international, storytellers and professional presenters presenting in national media and theaters, selected storytellers from other countries are the two sections performed as previous with some minor changes.

Introducing “Top Storyteller” From Iran for the First Time

Based on the call published, a new section is added to the 23rd round of the festival called “Top Storyteller”. The top storyteller, the professionals in the field of storytelling competing in a different from other sections of the international storytelling festival in which only those who could score based on the scoreboard and have obtained the required score in various areas can participate in this section.

Being selected in three rounds of the Kanoon storytelling festivals at national or international level or credited international storytelling festivals with five years of performing stories experience in national media, having effective social activity in storytelling events, cooperating with charities and special programs, having work experience of teaching storytelling at Kanoon and credited colleges and universities, research-scientific activities, writing in the area of storytelling, and spending more than eighty hours of instructing storytelling at Kanoon or credited training centers are among the cases that each have a special score. The storytellers who apply to participate in the “Top Storyteller” section must obtain the required amount of score.

In this section, the storytellers will have three performance of the texts presented by the secretariat of the festival in three various performances for various age categories. They will move to the next stage in case they have obtained the required score in which storytellers with one story are selected randomly. They must have one improvisational story performance. 

A New Section for the Interested in “Podcast”

“Podcast” is the title for a new section in the storytelling festival. Storytelling podcast is the same as narrating a story in the form of an audio-file with a collection of effects. Podcast about storytelling is dedicated to (storytelling documentary podcast) with research topics and documentary like the origins of stories, introducing the best storyteller and figure, the history of story and storytelling, introducing activists in the domain of developing and promoting the art of storytelling, by using interviews, panel discussions, published voices and the reading of part of a book. Podcast for domestic storytelling and folklore (Research Podcast) held with the aim of recognizing and introducing domestic and folklore stories and storytellers. Applicants can declare their readiness to participate in them. 

Holding “Ninety-Minute Story” with New Themes

This year and for the third time, the contest of “Ninety-Minute story” with the title of “The Story of My Life” will be held in the international storytelling festival. Based on the mentioned points in the call, “Corona and I”,the story of sacrifice of treatment staff, the story of life during quarantine days and the story of kindness and sympathizing with others. Also, “Proud Yesterday, Pleased Tomorrow” which is the story of soldiers’ sacrifice and Islamic revolution warriors, eight years of holy defense, Shrine defenders, nuclear martyrs and heroes in the domain of science are two main thematic axis of “Ninety-Minute” section with all age categories participating. 

It is reminded that the final of Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival is held virtually on Yalda night (December 21, 2021).


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