1200 Works Arrived at Secretariat of Kanoon Fifth Screenplay and Drama Competition

The secretary of the Fifth Children and Adolescents Screenplay and Drama Competition said that about 1200 works has been sent to the secretariat of this art event.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Amir Mashhadi Abbas said that after the call for the competition was published, during the period from 28th February 2021 to April 4th, 2021,  we witnessed a positive welcome by the enthusiasts. Due to many requests, we extended the time of submission for 5 days to 9 April.
Secretary of the 5th Children's Screenplay and Drama Competition said that those interested must register their works at Kanoon site. He said after the appointed period was over, 1199 works were registered at the site out of which 402 were feature film screenplays; 316 were plays;  287 were short films and 194 were animation screenplays.

Mashhadi Abbas, Kanoon Cinema and Theater General Director said that we have received works for all age categories out of which forty percent are for children, fifty percent are for adolescents, and ten percent are for families so children and adolescents can watch them with their parents.

Pointing at youth-oriented approach in the jury for various sections of Screenplay and Drama Competition he said, “I hope this event can have some good impact on drama and performing arts in the domain of children and adolescents.”
It is reminded that the Fifth Children and Adolescents Screenplay and Drama Competition takes place at two steps. First the plans sent are reviewed based on the conditions by the jury, then the top works are introduced. In the second step, the owners of the top works have one month to send the main copy of the screenplay (feature and short film), play and animation (short story film) for the final judgement to the secretariat.   

The theme of the competition for “Writing” section was free topic; in the “Adaptation” section from Kanoon works; in the “Homeland Heroes” with theme of (My Hero, Like Father, Kind, and Martyr General Qasem Soleimani’s Life) were announced.  


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