News Code: 305804
Publish Date: 20 June 2021 - 14:24
Toys enhance a child's various skills

The editor-in-chief of the Toy World magazine in the europe believes; Toys increase children's creativity and skills and help them build the world they love.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, John Baulch at a virtual meeting attended by the designers and ideators of the Fourth IdeaAzad National Toy Event said: "Remember, as a designer, it does not matter where and in what country you live, but it is important that the toys you design are loved by children. So try to identify and understand what children really like.”

In response to the question "Can Iranian designers and designs be successful in the European market?" He said: "There are very successful Iranians in the world toy industry already. As designers or manufacturers, these people are among the most successful players in the toy industry. This shows that Iranians are creative people. You just have to decide which product and design is right for the domestic market and which one is right for the international market. Participating in international exhibitions is also a good option to find a business partner and further cooperation.”

Speaking with the participants via Skyroom platform: In response to the question "Given the growth of digital games, what is your prediction for the future of the toy industry?" He said: "It should be borne in mind that parents do not like their children to always have their head on the phone or tablet, while the toy develops the child's various creations." John Baulch, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Toy World Magazine and Chairman of the Jury of the TIE’s (Toy Industry in Europe) Award at this virtual meeting shared his experiences in publishing a specialized magazine in the field of games and toys and the policies and objectives of the TIE’s Award.

This meeting has held on Tuesday, June 8, 2021, organized by the General Administration of Creative Entertainment and Computer Games of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon).

The fourth Ideaazad National Event of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon) is being held with the announcement of a public call and registration of those interested in the field of Iranian toy design in the year of “Production: Support and the Elimination of Obstacles.”


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