The Selected Book at Bologna Illustration Exhibition, 2024, Will Be Published Soon

“A Sun in Turkmen Sahara” illustrated by Najla Mahdavi Ashraf selected at the 58th Bologna Illustration Exhibition in 2024 is going to be published soon.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, 3520 works have participated at the exhibition. “A Sun in Turkmen Sahara” was among 344 works that made way to Bologna Illustration Exhibition.

 This book is written by Yousef Ghoujough and illustrated by Najla Mahdavi Ashraf for the age category above 9.

 In one part of the book, we read:

“That night, Aylar had a strange dream. In her dream, she was looking at the tall wall around their house with surprise, a wall she had never seen before.”

Suddenly, she heard the winging of some swallows and the jik jik of their chickens. They were above her head and were flying towards her with anger. Then, she saw the hens, rooters and their chickens. Ducks and geese were following them. 

Aylar’s hands were empty. She did not have any millets to give to the swallows and their chickens, no seeds for hens, roosters, and their chickens. 

She did not have the watermelon or melon rind to give to the ducks and geese. Suddenly, her eyes ran on the carpet loom.

The Selected Book at Bologna Illustration Exhibition, 2024, Will Be Published Soon


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