News Code: 291298
Publish Date: 23 September 2019 - 09:22
Visit Count 92
Introducing Kanoon Book:  “A Restless Poem” in Munich Library Calendar

Munich International Library has introduced “A Restless Poem” by Afsaneh Shaabaan Nejad published by Kanoon in its annual calendar.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Munich library not only introduces the best books in its annual calendar called “White Ravens” but also it introduces the best poetry books by poets from all over the world.

This calendar includes 52 pages. Every page shows one week through which a piece of poetry, illustration, and a poet and their book is introduced.

Mahmoud Hosseini is the illustrator of “A Restless Poem”. This book is introduced through the 37th page of Munich Library Calendar (7 to 13 Sep 2020). The photo of cover and the publication are introduced in last pages of the calendar.

By printing this calendar, Munich Library is trying to expose world children to a panorama of various cultures. All the income is spent on developing library’s goals, holding workshops, international exhibitions for illustrations and designs related to children poetry.

Munich Library started publishing this calendar in 2011. By now and in six rounds of the calendars, a book by Kanoon is introduced.

Kanoon first published “A Restless Poem” in 52 pages in 2014.

Kanoon International Affairs sends new books published by Kanoon to the Persian Section of Munich Library for maintenance, review, and introduction in White Raven Catalogue and children calendar.

With over 50 years of experience and over 500,000 titles from around the world, the library has a long-standing reputation.


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