News Code: 291495
Publish Date: 30 September 2019 - 10:21
Visit Count 529
The Number of “Uninvited Guests” Reached 387 Thousands

Kanoon reprinted “Uninvited Guests” written by Farideh Farjam and illustrated by Judy Farmanfarmaeian for the 23rd time. The circulation reached 387 thousands.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Uninvited Guests” is Kanoon’s first book published in 1966.

Helping those who are trying to find shelter, promoting culture of peace, connection and peaceful life among generations are the concepts “Uninvited Guests” is reflecting on.

In a part of this memorable book registered as “The Intangible Legacy” two years ago, we read: “The hen’s feathers had got stuck together, and her eyes staring blankly. The old woman put a piece of cloth on her back. The hen set aside to get dry. No sooner than the old woman took off her chador that the door was knocked again.”

 "Uninvited Guests" has been published in the twenty-third edition for the age group of over four years with the number of 2500 copies and the price of 8 thousand Toumans. It is available to those interested


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