The Poster for Children National Week Published

The poster for the national children week and international children day in 2019 with the motto of “We must Build up the Future” was designed and published.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Mohsen Mirzaie the graphic designer of the poster designed the poster with regard to the motto for the week. Last year’s motto is used as well.

The poster shows a boy and a girl who are playing in their paper boat and in a dreamy atmosphere in their room while holding their toys in their hands.

These toys and the elements inside the poster, along with using happy and light colors has depicted an attractive atmosphere transferring a sense of hope, freshness and energy to the addressees while putting emphasis on the importance of games and imagination in children’s lives and future.

The policy council selected “We must Build up Future” as the motto for National Children Week to keep “hope for a bright future” for Iranian children as a strategic vision for the ones who are in charge of this field.

Kanoon and some other organizations have planned the programs for Children National Week. It starts on Oct 5 until Oct 11, 2019.


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