News Code: 293392
Publish Date: 26 November 2019 - 20:26
Visit Count 60
Two Kanoon Films Won Awards at Roshd Festival

“Golden Top Knot”, an animation directed by Mahin Javaherian and “Doch”, a feature film directed by Amir Mashahdi Abbas won awards from 49th International Film Festival.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Golden Top Knot” received Simin Statue, honorary diploma and cash prize of the animation section and “Doch” received CIFEJ Badge at the closing ceremony of the festival. These films are Kanoon recent productions.

 “Golden Top Knot” is a six-minute animation produced by digital cutout technique. Afsaneh Shabaan Nejad has versed the songs.

This animations aims to strengthen children's relationships with their peers by taking advantage from games and poetry. The main characteristics of the animation is being childish using simple and easy to understand symbols for pre-school children. 

It should be mentioned that “Golden Top Knot” received “Golden Butterfly” for the best animation from 32nd Esfahan International Children and Youth Film Festival.

During the past year, “Doch” has attended national and international cinematic events and received many awards.

It is the story of a ten-year old boy who is trying to get the money to change his old bicycle and get a better one. He notices that there is a prize by literacy movement in case he makes one illiterate person, literate. But, there are no illiterate people in the village, only a ninety-year old woman who is very bad tempered, her eyes are weak, at the same time she is deaf. Yet, Gholamreza has made up his mind to make the old woman literate and get the prize……..This is the beginning of the story……

The closing ceremony of Roshd Festival was held in Andisheh Hall on Nov 23 2019 in the evening. The minister of education, Officials of Educational Research and Planning Organization, filmmakers, families and interested people attended the ceremony.


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