New Project of Book-Doll was Clicked in Kanoon

Dutuk Doll, South Khorasan women’s traditional handmade, is Kanoon latest product available as a doll-book in a package.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, doll-book is supposed to be in the  shopping cart of cultural goods of Iranian families with the cooperation of two General Offices, "Publishing Monitoring" and “Constructive Entertainment and Computer Games”, and this way support traditional Iranian doll makers as the ones who preserve this precious domestic art.

In this regard, Kanoon general director of supervising publication said that a book titled “Dutuk, Little Baluchi Doll” is going through the last stages of publishing but the process of making dolls is delayed because of Corona outbreak. But, we hope that soon these dolls are made and added to the package.”

Rouhollah Kazemizadeh said that another book titled “A Beautiful Doll Experience” is most probably presented in the same package with Dutuk Doll. The author of both books is Zohreh Parirokh. The research is done by Afsaneh Ehsani.

According to the general director, those women who are in charge of the family make these traditional dolls. They make them with organic materials. They are supposed to be sent to the market in three consecutive turn, every turn includes 2500 packages, overall 7500 copies in various packages.

Handmade traditional dolls roots back in the culture of areas in Southern Khorasan and Baluch settlers in Sistan and Baluchestan. They remind us of lullabies, old poetry, memories of village and ethnic lives.

Every child and woman from these villages make dolls and narrates the story of their lives in the form of dolls.

Kanoon is supposed to provide children and adolescents with Iranian traditional and domestic dolls in the form of “Doll-Book” project.


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