“Showing Show” is Kanoon New Plan to Screen Children and Adolescents’ Theater-Movies

The film of Kanoon outstanding children and adolescents’ theaters staged during past years is displayed in the cyberspace in the form of a project called “Showing Show”.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, announcing the news General Director of Kanoon Cinema and Theater Center added, “Kanoon Theater Center has been operating for 50 years. It has staged more than 200 plays for children and adolescents. As the only professional center in this field, Kanoon Theater Center has played a crucial role in training well-known artists; it has developed and promoted this art in Iran.”

Amir Mashhadi Abbas explained that in recent years some of these plays have been filmed professionally. Now that theater halls are closed due to Corona Virus breakout, Kanoon is going to set the film of these memorable and quality plays on its portal with the slogan of “Everyday a Theater” for children, adolescents and families to watch.

 He said, “In agreement with one of the specialized sales sites, children and their families can purchase tickets online since August 5. They can buy tickets at one-third the price at Kanoon theater site: th.kpf.ir and with their families enjoy watching plays that have been produced for them during past years.”

Mashhadi Abbas said that the film includes 36 quality plays of Kanoon Center Theater. The film is supposed to be shown three times a week for the children and adolescents in Iran and Farsi speaking people all over the world.

 “Old Man and Tiger, You Like a Parrot, Arkansa Bear, Secret of Ghanjour, Pink Wisdom, Cinnamon Cookie, God’s Cookies, Pot of Honey, Fish, Secretive Present,…” are some of the plays.

He added that we should provide conditions for artists to regain their vitality under corona virus pandemic. He said that theater artists as the most popular layer of art community are facing economic crisis because theater halls are closed. 

That is why Kanoon devotes part of the income out of selling tickets to the executive agents of these plays to support them. By implementing this plan, Kanoon not only takes the theater to houses and families who do not have access to these works but also supports the theatrical groups.

  At the end, referring to the cooperation of some TV networks to promote this plan, Kanoon Cinema and Theater Director General mentioning the cooperation of some TV networks to promote this plan said that public relations of theatrical groups that Kanoon sets their works on its site could also try to inform and spread the word to attract an audience.


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