News Code: 299707
Publish Date: 22 September 2020 - 09:43
Visit Count 56
“God’s Cookies” was Screened Online

“God’s Cookies”, a play directed by Arash Sharifzadeh is the title of one Kanoon film-theater for kids now on Kanoon site.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the plan of “Showing Shows” (online screening of Kanoon plays for kids) has initiated since July-August 2020, now the third week, has uploaded “God’s Cookies” for kids and toddlers on Kanoon site.

 According to the news, with the breakout of Corona virus and children getting deprived of watching theaters and using cultural spaces , Kanoon General Directorate for Cinema and Theater decided to display films and theaters produced during the past 30 years in the form of “Showing Shows” on Kanoon site for the interested ones. You can find them here:
 “God’s Cookies” is a play about a cub that on getting up from hibernation and on seeing the greenery and beauty of the world decides to thank God. Yet, he does not know the proper, until a crow offers a strange way…

This play was first staged in spring 2016 at Kanoon Center for Theater and Puppet Theater. It was welcomed with about 90 performances and more than 9000 children and adolescents as audience. It went back to the stage again in 2018 and was drastically welcomed with about 10000 audience. It could win many awards from 23rd International Children and Youth Theater Festival, Hamedan.

“God’s Cookies” is based on a book published by Kanoon with the same title written by Clair Jobert, rewritten and directed by Arash Sharifzadeh.


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