News Code: 300186
Publish Date: 7 October 2020 - 11:54
Visit Count 67
Kanoon Call for Autumn Season Book of the Month and Year Award Published

Cultural Deputy of Kanoon Published Call for Autumn Season Book of the Month and Year Award

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the aim of giving this award is to promote the quality of children and adolescents books, supporting poets, authors, translators, illustrators and publishers; recognizing and classifying the precious works and introducing them to the audience and attracting public attention to the theme of books and book reading.

Based on this, the books that are published for the first time in 2019 and 2020, books that have participated in this award for the first time, and books related to the Award of Golden Opportunity the unpublished text of which typed by BNazanin font and in three copies are sent to the secretariat of the award are among the books reviewed.

Those interested can send their works to the secretariat of this literary event until December 5, 2020. The address is : Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, Hejab St, Fatemi Ave, Postal Code: 1415613144, Tehran

Book of the Month and Year Award Secretariat, Second Floor, Cultural Deputy Building

You can contact secretariat through the following numbers (for Golden Opportunity):

Tel: 88978785, 09370915814

Fax: 88951507

Based on this, the jury of this art event awards an author, a poet, a translator that include Kanoon Silver Bird, statue, tablet and cash award every month. This award is given to the selected ones at the end of each season.

The cash prize of book of the month include Kanoon Golden Bird Badge, statue, tablet, and cash prize is given to the publishers and creators.

Those books that obtain Kanoon Silver Bird and Kanoon Golden Bird are put in Kanoon cultural centers purchase list. The titles of suitable books are announced every season.

It is reminded that the ceremony of book of the month award is held in winter, 2021.

Award-winning Sections

The award is given yearly to the following works:

- In the sections of “Readable in the Story Domain” including writing, translation (including copyright), recreation, dramatic literature, and published film scripts.

 -In the area of “Readable in Poetry Domain” including written works, poetic tales, and translation (including copyright) and

 -In the section of books of “Illustrating”.

 The award of “Creativity” in the domain of writing or publishing is given to the best work every season.

Special Book of the Year Award

 “Golden Opportunity” is a yearly award concurrently given with the award of the book of the year to the authors and artists above 18 in the area of writing poetry and children and adolescents story.  Kanoon publishes the selected works of this section.

Based on the call for children and adolescents book of the month and year award and according to the decision and approval of Policy Council, the award of “Flying Pencil” is given to one of the  children and adolescent literature figures once a year. The award of “Professor Mehdi Azar Yazdi” is given to the selected book out of the rewritten books by Iranian authors or Farsi speaking authors from other countries.


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