News Code: 301357
Publish Date: 28 November 2020 - 12:30
Visit Count 131
“Call Me Ziba” a Novel by Farhad Hassanzadeh Published

Kanoon published “Call Me Ziba”, a novel by Farhad Hassanzadeh, from the series of “Today’s Youth Novel”.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Call Me Ziba” is the story of a fifteen-year old girl called Ziba who lives in an orphanage. Her father lives in a lunatic asylum. Her mother has divorced him and is married to another man. 

On an autumn day, his father calls her and asks her to help him escape the asylum. He manages to do it and whenthey meet again, they decide to celebrate a two-people birthday party. You are invited, too.

This book is suitable for adolescents.

Call Me Ziba written by Farhad Hassanzadeh


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