News Code: 302633
Publish Date: 16 January 2021 - 11:15
Visit Count 152
“Yadoo” Final Copy, the latest movie of Kanoon, was submitted to Fajr Festival

The final copy of “Yadoo”, the latest feature film of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, directed by Mehdi Jafari was submitted to the 39th Fajr Film Festival.

In a conversation with Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs,  Mehdi Jafari said, “Childhood and adolescence are unique treasures of the most important and everlasting memories in everybody’s life.”

It is a fact that children and adolescents must have peace of mind. This period for them is the time of being happy and lively but sometimes wars change the conditions. The conditions that end in sorrow and disaster.

The director of “Yadoo” added, “During the war and the Holy Defense, despite being oppressed, Iranians tried to bear the economic and political hardships. Being under the shadow of war, they still were thinking about life. With their outstanding resistance, they endowed epic spirit to all the disasters. 

Jafari added, “Since my adolescence memories are tightly entangled with Khouzestan, I have always considered it as my task to do something to materialize those facts and realities and to display the figure of the young generations who lived over that period of time. Maybe that is why I picked this lovely land to make my film in.”

The director of “23 People” reminded, “After one of my best friends “Ebrahim Irajzad” suggested me to read the short story, “The Lion Wound”, I deeply fell in love with the characters and the atmosphere that “Samad Taheri”, the author, had created. Coming to know about some Abadan adolescent martyrs’ memories, also my own memories from the very first days of the war in Ahvaza combined with the people and atmosphere of this story. “Yadou” film script was the result of my wife, Mahin Abbaszadeh, and my cooperation. It took a year.” 

He said he had faced certain problems during the process of making the film, “We are living under the conditions that everything we used to do before the pandemic has changed into a challenge. Apparently, we have to put aside the previous trainings in this profession and make films with a different outlook and process.”

Jafari said, “First I am thankful to god for providing me with the chance to make “Yadoo” without facing any unfortunate occurrence under the most difficult conditions I have ever experienced in my professional life; that is making the film in Abadan hot and humid weather despite the corona virus pandemic.”

“Atmosphere Station” director emphasized that, “It was impossible to make the film under the present tough conditions if we did not have Kanoon support as the producer of “Yadoo” and Farabi Cinema Foundation with equal contribution in the process of making the film. I would like to extend my appreciations to all managers and directors of the two organizations and their support over this critical period. 

Above all, I am greatly thankful to my dear colleagues and film agents who overcame all the obstacles and problems through their patience, diligence, and friendship so that nothing of the perspiration and panting behind the screen would transfer to the camera, so that the result of their endeavor is seen brighter than working under normal conditions. I would like to thank them wholeheartedly and sincerely thank them for their unique cooperation. I hope the audience would love the film. 

It is reminded that “Yadoo” is produced by Mohammad Reza Mesbah and starred by Setareh Pesyani in a different role.


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