News Code: 303014
Publish Date: 2 February 2021 - 10:09
On the 42nd Anniversary of Islamic Revolution Victory

Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults special programs all over Iran were announced on the occasion of 42nd anniversary of Islamic Revolution victory.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, special programs for commemorating the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the graceful Islamic Revolution is supposed to start on Jan 31st 2021 by ringing the revolution bell at Kanoon centers country wide and will continue until Feb 10th.

Based on the news, a series of Kanoon programs are dedicated to honor mothers and women’s day on Hazrat Fatemeh reverent birthday, and to commemorate Imam Khomeini’s reverent birthday.

Based on this, Kanoon official pages are dedicated to special programs during Fajr decade. These programs are for children and adolescents. You can find them Kanoon portal at:

Holding Various Festivals and Fests with Fajr Decade Theme

Kanoon website will hold various celebrations on reverent Fajr Decade.

Satire fest titled “One Portion of Smile”, Painting fest titled “Innocent Tradition”, Photo-Writings Festival titled “Colored Like Revolution”, satire fest titled “Sugar and Salt”, Fajr storytelling fest, Fajr photography fest, and “Revolution Streets”, Trophy of domestic games, Poster Designing Festival with the initiation of supporting national products, virtual festival of Ava Books, bilingual storytelling festival (Farsi and Kurdish) and (Farsi and Azari), motion graphic fest and short films of “Revolution Followers”, family songfest with Fajr decade theme, domestic doll making fest, poetry reading fest titled “Your Voice is Nice”, “Pond, My Neighbor” fest, “Worship and Light” fest,  Play and handicraft fest titled “We Stay Home”, My Painting festival titled “Hope Foot Print”, poetry and story festival titled “Revolution Pen”, revolution song festival, appreciating the animation festival winners and monologue reading titled “The Hero Says”, announcing the results of fests called “Lotus”, “Hands and Smiles”, “The Book I Love”; Persian Gulf animation and filmmaking fest; “Worshipping Child” photography festival; storytelling fest of “Lovingly Flying”.

Reading Poetry, Memorytelling (Reminiscence) and Storytelling about Revolution Days

The programs are various Kanoon centers are as follows:

Speaking about memories by martyrs’ families and storytelling called “Graceful Tales”, special program called “Time for Revolution Poetry”,  

Storytelling with revolution stories as theme, epic storytelling and introducing outstanding figures of revolution, poetry reading to mourn the Late Imam, writing memories of the revolution, reading poetries by the members of poetry association, Poetry with the Taste of Freedom (introducing revolutionary poets),

celebrating of revolution by schools and 22 Bahman parade, webinar with the theme of “Storytelling Podcast”, “The Role of Five Senses in Storytelling”, “10 o’clock special program with ten revolution stories at night”, morning of poetry, and eve of virtual poetry, the call for two-people storytelling of “Me and My Dad”, “Me and My Mom”.

Call for ninety-second storytelling titled “Once Upon a Time”, memory telling by revolution veterans, reading poetry with the theme of martyrs and the Late Imam, reading poetry and memory telling “Springs are Welcome”, versing poetry in sign language.

Cultural, Artistic and Literary Competitions Focusing on the Islamic Revolution

Cultural, art and literary contests like photography titled “My Dear Mother, I Sacrifice for you”; revolutionary songs contest; dab smash contest; revolution general knowledge contest; literary contest titled “I am Revolution Child”; heart-writings for health defenders “Awake Angels” and the like are other Kanoon programs.

Celebrating Hazrat Zahra’s Birth Day and Honoring Mother Position

 Since Fajr decade is concurrent with Hazrat Fatemeh’s birthday and honoring mothers’ position, there are special programs held at Kanoon virtual pages such as reading poetry by educators; composing songs and hearty-writings for mothers; Hazrat Fatemeh and mothers position commemoration in the form of collage; appreciation of mothers who support Kanoon and read books; virtual celebration titled “The Lady of Water and Mirror”; photography contest with mother as theme.

Other Fajr Decade Programs

 Virtual contest for Imam Khomeini’s poetry; producing videos with the theme of Imam Khomei’s arriving at Iran; introducing Imam Khomei’s character as the architect of the Islamic Revolution; introducing revolution days and events; introducing martyr Babaei; introducing the revolution martyrs and nuclear martyrs; introducing martyr Haj Ghasem Soleimani’s character; virtual publishing revolution songs; introducing revolutionary figures; appreciating martyr’s families, their children and their grandchildren; introducing revolution books by members and educators; parade of the mobile libraries on the day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution; Kanoon mobile libraries presence in villages and low-income areas are other Kanoon programs.

Dusting Islamic Revolution martyrs’ tombs, making wall-newspapers with the theme of “Islamic Revolution Victory, General Haj Ghasem Soleimani martyrdom, flying kits fest, virtual exhibition of revolution books, shedding flowers on Martyrs graveyard, virtual meeting with revolution epic creators, virtual exhibition of members’ paintings and pottery, special program titled “From Cocoon to Butterfly” (Ten stories, ten unique accents, memorable narration of sacrifice and spiritual growth), singing revolution songs individually and as a family and sending the video, holding literary webinar, virtual carnival of  home handmade dolls, campaign of photography titled “Revolution Frame”, campaign of book reading titled “Smile in Battle”, producing story-play based on the second announcement of the Second Step of Revolution, campaign of children books by Soleimani school, are other programs.  

It is reminded that special programs are held with Kanoon as the initiator and Ministry of Education, State Welfare Organization, Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation, Red Crescent, Municipality and Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.


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