News Code: 303990
Publish Date: 8 March 2021 - 10:02
Visit Count 117
Kanoon Little Bird Winners for Autumn Introduced

During a ceremony, the three selected books for Children and Adolescents Book of the Month and Year Award, autumn season were introduced and awarded with Kanoon Little Bird.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, three works were selected out of the 14 works for the final stage. The ceremony was held on March 6, 2021 at Kanoon.

The judge for this round were Abdolmajid Najafi, adolescent story author; Sorour Kotobi, children story author; Shokouh Ghasemnia, child poet; Boyouk Maleki, adolescent poet; and Farhad Minaie, book promoter.

Based on this, the jury awarded “Elina in Wedding Invited to Itching” with Kanoon Silver Bird written by Mojgan Kalhor and illustrated by Sara Tabibzadeh from Fandogh collection published by Ofogh. It won the award for the first month of the autumn.

 “The Phoenix is Here”, a book for adolescents, written by Fatemeh Sarmashghi published by Peydayesh publication could win Kanoon Silver Bird for the second month of autumn.

“The Farthest Scarecrow’s Shoulder”, a collection of the best poetry by Hossein Tavallaie could win Kanoon Silver Bird for the third month of the year.

Based on the news, out of 216 books arrived at the secretariat of Children and Adolescents Book of the Month and Year Award, until the end of the autumn, 181 poetry, story and play books reached the judgement stage.

Specialized committees on poetry and children's stories selected and introduced two children poetry books, four adolescent poetry books, six children story books, and two adolescent story books to the jury.

It is reminded that the award presented to an author, poet, translator, or publisher at the end of every month and every season is called Kanoon Silver Bird including a statuette, a tablet and cash. Of course, the Golden Bird including a statuette, a tablet and cash is given to the book of the year.


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