News Code: 304841
Publish Date: 2 May 2021 - 09:54
Visit Count 54
The Judges for Kanoon Book of the Month and Year Award for Winter were Intruduced

The Judges for Kanoon Children and Adolescents Book of the Month and Year Award were introduced to judge the best of the winter.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs and based on the secretariat of Book of the Month and Year Award, the  following were announced as the judges: Foroozandeh Khodajoo for “Adolescent Story”; Mehri Mahouti for “Children Poetry”; Zohreh Parirokh for “Children Story”; Maryam Zandi for “Adolescent Poetry” and Morvarid Razaghi for “Promoting Books”.

All the five judges will judge 21 nominated books including three titles for children poetry, six for adolescent poetry, and four for children story and eight for adolescent story.

After the primary review, the books arrived at the secretariat of the award will go to the groups of experts with the presence of outstanding children and adolescent poets and authors. Those books distinguished to receive an award are sent for the final judgment and will be evaluated by the five-member jury including two poets, two authors and one book promoter in every season.

In this round, out of 193 books arrived at the secretariat by the end of the winter, 180 were poetry, story and play that made way to the final stage of award.


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