Introducing Fifteen Stories of International Storytelling Festival to “Top Storytelling” Section

Fifteen titles of the “Top Storytelling” stories for Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival were introduced.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs and based on the protocol of the 23rd International Storytelling, representatives and liaisons of the Storytelling Association across the country, storytelling activists, storytelling veterans, and storytelling artists and researchers submitted their suggested stories to the festival secretariat. 

Based on this, out of 210 stories sent to the secretariat, the stories having frequency (+10) were selected in three sections of “Story for Children”, “Story for Adolescents”, “Story for Adults” and in every section with five titles. 

In the “Story for Adults” section, “Arash, The Archer”, “Rostam and Sohrab”, “Rostam and Esfandiar”, “A Pillow of Swan Feathers”, “Keykavoos Flight” were selected. 

In the section for “Story for Adolescents”, “The Wise Old Woman”, “The Ice Who Loved the Sun”, “Rostam’s Seven Labor”, “King Midas and the Golden Touch”, “Snake Charmer and the Dragon” made way to the Top Storytelling section through drawing. 

In the section for “Story for Children”, “The Sheep that Got Angry” (Marvin Gets Mad), “Granddad’s Prayers of the Earth”, “Smart Rabbit”, “My Moon, Everybody’s Moon”, and “The Gruffalo” received the certificate to attend the Top Storytelling section. 

The ceremony of drawing for “Top Storytelling” was held with the presence of Mostafa Rahmandoust, children and adolescent author; Afsoon Amini, the general director of cultural creations; Elham Darabi, the head of the secretariat of the storytelling festival and heads of the festival committees on May 2, 2021. 

It is reminded that Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival is held virtually due to the pandemic. The interested to participate in the festival can register and read the call at:


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