News Code: 305152
Publish Date: 18 May 2021 - 13:00
Commencement of Specialized Workshops of Kanoon 4th National Toy IdeaAzad Event

The specialized workshops for Kanoon Fourth National Toy IdeaAzad Event for the selected at the first stage will start on May 20, 2021.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the selected idea makers are invited to six training-specialized workshops at this stage. After the workshops, their ideas are judged.

These workshops are held with the co-operation of Kanoon Office of Information Technology and Administrative Transformation (Informatics) done virtually through Sky Room.
Specialized workshops of IdeaAzad Event are held every Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m. with the intention of instructing basic and key concepts of ideating, designing and manufacturing of games and toys.
Attendance at these virtual workshops is mandatory for those selected for the first phase of IdeaAzad event, and failure to attend or be absent from these sessions will be construed as disabling the idea makers from continuing the event process.

Based on the news, the first specialized workshop is called “Basics of Designing Toys” is about some basic concepts on designing toys. The workshop “From Idea to Market” is held on May 27, 2021. It is about promoting ideas and developing designs.

The third specialized workshop of the National IdeaAzad Event, entitled "Examples and Cultural Contradictions", will discuss the do's and don'ts in the world of games and toys. The "Toy Industry Standards" workshop, held on June 10, as the fourth workshop in this series, describes the mandatory minimums in designing and producing toys.

The workshop "Cognitive Sciences and Cognitive Games” is held on the June 17, with the aim of acquainting the idea makers with the considerations of stimulating and strengthening cognitive powers. The sixth specialized workshop of the Fourth National Toy IdeaAzad Event held on June 24, entitled "Intellectual Property Rights in the Toy Industry" focuses on the importance of supporting and protecting toy projects.

Aidin Mahdi-Zadeh, Secretary of the Fourth National IdeaAzad Event, stressed the importance of the idea-makers' participation in these workshops in order to improve and develop their ideas. "What matters is the success of the idea makers; in fact, it is the most important part of this period of the National Toy IdeaAzad Event.”

It is reminded that participating in these workshops is mandatory for the first stage selected ones. The names of the selected people have been announced on Kanoon website at:; the IdeaAzad toy event site at: , and on the dedicated page of the National IdeaAzad Event on Instagram at:  @ideaazad


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