Kanoon Published “Broutille” for Intermediate Grade-Schoolers (+9)

“Broutille” is a story by Herbauts, French author and illustrator translated by Shima Hosseini recently published by Kanoon for intermediate grade-schoolers (+9).

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the books is published following copyright, with the official permission by Editions Casterman S.A. and with the support and cooperation of Cultural Section of France Embassy in Iran: Institut Francais. 

In part of the book with the theme of children stories from France we read: “Broutille is sad because she has lost her cat. She saw a man on the way. He asked her, “Why you are sad.” 

_Because my cat is lost.

_Oh. I have lost more important things; my hat, my keys, and my horse.
The books is published in folio cut with 32 colorful pages, in 2500 copies for 16 thousands Toman, now in market. 

The interested can purchase “Broutille” via Kanoon sites and internet stores at: shop.kpf.ir

Also at centers where Kanoon cultural products are presented all over Iran.


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