News ID: 306520
Publish Date: 26 July 2021 - 18:03
Visit Count 69
“I Stand on My Hand!” by Ali Khodaei was Published

Ali Khodaei has written “I Stand on My Hand!” for the age category above 4 recently published by Kanoon Publications and sent to the market.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Ali Khodaei has designed and illustrated the book. It is a wordless pictorial book inspired by “Elephant in the Dark”, a Tale from Masnavi. It attempts to develop a narration through pictures. 

The most important function of wordless pictorial books is to display important aspects of pictorial-visual arts. The audience tries to discover the meaning of simple and complicated clues they faces to arrive at a narration or a story.

Based on the notes by the creators of pictorial works, wordless pictorial books gain meaning only in interaction with the audience; its performance depends only on the audience. Therefore, such types of books can be called collaborative-interactive.

Kanoon published “I Stand on My Hand!” in 28 colorful pages, in 2500 copies and for 15,000 thousand Tomans. 

The interested can purchase the book at stores where Kanoon products are presented. Also at:


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