News Code: 306665
Publish Date: 3 August 2021 - 09:45
Visit Count 91
Hamedan Carnival of Tall Puppets
and Unveiling Two Kanoon New Puppets in Yazd

On Eid-al Ghadir and with the start of the carnival of tall Puppets in Hamedan, two new Kanoon puppets are unveiled in Yazd

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the carnival went around the city of Hamedan to produce enthusiasm, happiness, and commemorating the most important Shian cermony (Eid)

One of the most beautiful scene of the carnival was children and parents catching memorial photos with tall puppets.

Based on the news, Kanoon educators and coaches expressed the outstanding event through stories with the theme of Ghadir in a joint celebration by Kanoon and Ghadir Public Headquarters in Hamedan villages. 

At the end, both the winners and the participants at the ceremony received awards.

The celebration continued for three days in various villages in Hamedan. About one thousand children and adolescents and their families from Hamedan participated in the ceremony. 

On this occasion as well two new Kanoon tall puppets were unveiled in a ceremony on July 27, 2021 in Yazd. So far, Kanoon has 8 tall puppets in this province. Mohsen Akrami has made the puppets. He is a cultural, artful and artistic artist from Yazd.
The new puppets are dressed in Bakhtiari outfit and play Soran and Dohol based on Mehdipour Maestro, and Heidary Maestro character from Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province. The music played at the time of the change of the New Year is made by the two artists. 

Tall puppets made in large dimensions with the height of 4 to 5 meters are used in celebrations, ceremonies and carnivals. They are attractive to children and adults.


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