News Code: 306920
Publish Date: 16 August 2021 - 08:39
Visit Count 40
The Beginning of the Rain from “Cotton Clouds” at Kanoon

Kanoon published a collection of poetry for children by Marzieh Tajeri in a book titled “Cotton Clouds” and sent it to the market.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Cotton Clouds” include ten pieces of poetry by Ms. Tajeri for the age category above nine. Tahmineh Khajavi is the illustrator of the book. The book is published in 24 colorful pages.

The poetries are titled: “Octopus”, “Mr. Police”,“Worship”, “Lady Ant”, “Dad’s Shop”, “Our Neighbor”,“Trip”, “Cotton Clouds”, “Our House” and “Pond” versed with simple words with an air of introducing the living place of a child and its everyday happenings at city environment to green space and roads close by.  

The poet verses in “Mr. Police” as follows: Following the bride’s car / We went in our car / My dad over took my uncle with high speed / When Mr. police saw him / came close and gave him a warning / First he took the documents / Then he gave him a warning…

Mohammad-Ali Adili has done page layout. Maneli Manouchehri has done the art supervision and Samira Faraji was the art manager.

“Cotton Clouds” can be purchased for 14,000 Tomans. The interested can purchase it at


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