News Code: 307219
Publish Date: 4 September 2021 - 18:35
Visit Count 43
“Fresh Air” Versed by Mahmoud Pourvahab

“Fresh Air” versed by Mahmoud Pourvahab has recently been published by Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Ilgar Rahimi has illustrated the book. It includes nine pieces of poetry. Based on this, Shirin (Sweet), Like the Light, Flower Scent, Fresh Air, One Drop, Beautiful Hands, The Lonely Planet, Smile of Water, Helping is Nice, are the titles of the poetries in this book.

In “One Drop” we read: Around the water tap/ A yellow bee flew/ But no water/ The bee flew back and forth/ I softly turned on the tap/ A little bit/ Out of thirst, out of sorrow/ I left the bee alone/ With a small drop of water/ The bee was quenched/ It thanked me/ It flew away buzzing.

“Fresh Air” is for the children above nine. Kanoon published the book in 2500 copies in quarto cut and for 14,000 Tomans now at Kanoon bookstores. The interested can purchase it through


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