Iranian Kids, Shout Joyfulness!

Claudio Gubitosi, the founder and director of Giffoni International Film Festival, one of the biggest events in children and youth cinema, in a message to Kanoon and considered the National Children’s Week a necessary event and congratulated the children and teenagers of Iran on its establishment.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, in a video message for National Children Week, Mr. Gubitosi has addressed Iranian children and adolescents, boys and girls. He has said, “I am pleased to share this critical moment, I mean “National Children’s Week in Iran”. A week that belongs to you and your happiness.

He continues, “Kanoon has been working for children for so many years. But, its activities does not limit only to Iranian children, they include children from all over the world. I would like to thank Kanoon for dedicating this week to you. Enjoy this week and live it with the outmost joy.”

 He says that the theme of the week “Joyful Childhood, Colorful Livinghood” is beautiful. This artist says, “The theme selected by Kanoon, I mean the right to be happy, is something that the whole society and the whole world need it. Being happy is your inalienable right. In fact, it is a conditional and institutionalized right.”

In another part of the video he says, “Honestly, after the crisis of the Corona virus epidemic that affected the whole world, our motto in Giffoni International Film Festival was exactly “Shout of Joy”. So, I believe selecting this motto by us and Kanoon is not accidental since the relationship between Giffoni Festival and Iran started in 1974 and has continued up to the present.”

At the end of his message he repeats one more time: Live joyfully for a long time with joy. 

Giffoni International Film Festival started working in 1971. It is one of the most prestigious children and adolescent cinema events mentioned as Oscar of children cinema.

National Children’s Week and the memorial of Martyr Ali Landi will be held across the country from October 8 to 14, while the spread of the corona affecting all ceremonies and events; but this year, the authorities have tried to combine online and virtual programs with in-person programs in open spaces with the aim of paying attention to children's issues and their mental health.

Follow the special news, programs and various activities of various organizations participating in holding this national week at


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