Promoting Scientific Activity of “Bird Watching” through the Collection of “Bird Watching”

The collection of “Bird Watching” is Kanoon new product that tries to familiarize children and adolescents with birds and the scientific, exciting and attractive leisure of “Bird Watching”.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Bird Watching” is one of the most popular branch of wildlife tourism. Millions of people round the world are familiar with it and practice it.

“Bird Watching” written by Parviz Bakhtiari is a three-volume collection suitable for children and adolescents above 12 (Grade-Schoolers). The author has tried to familiarize children and adolescents with various types of birds and their lives.

Next to the information, one of the most important goals of this collection is promoting bird watching and contributing to recognizing the value of birds, their biodiversity, preserving them for future, and creating jobs for youngsters.

The author who is an activist, educated, and specialists in environmental science and exploring the nature, and has studied and had carried on research in this field. Emphasizing the importance and necessity of observing birds and promoting this type of scientific activity, he has explained that 10518 types of birds in the world and 555 types in Iran are observed and registered.

In the first volume, Bakhtiari tries to familiarize the readership with general concepts, importance and methods of “Bird Watching”; and by putting forth questions and making suggestions persuades children to study and do more research in the field.

The second and the third volumes of the collection introduces and classifies various groups of birds. Photos by professional photographers and page layout by Mohammad Ali Adili have added to the attractions of the collection.


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