Storytellers from Five Continents Have Arrived at Kanoon Storytelling Festival/ Broadcast Online

Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival Hosts Storytellers from Five Continents of Asia, Africa, North America, South America and Europe.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, in Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival, storytellers from five continents including Asia, Africa, North America, South America, and Europe are participating in “International” Section” of the festival.

This way, 22 foreign participants and 19 Iranian participants from Tehran, Isfahan, Khorasan Razavi, Kordestan, Markazi, East Azerbaijan, Qazvin, Yazd, West Azerbaijan, Bushehr, and Khuzestan will compete in the “International Section” of the festival.

 The names of foreign storytellers from different countries and the titles of the stories are:

“Patrick Mohr" from Switzerland with “The Story of the Lake”, “Nor Azhar Ishak” from Malaysia with “The Pangolin”, “Ruben Corbett” from Mexico with “The Nagging Turtle”, “Argin Kubin” from Turkey with “Bird of Happiness”, “Ahmad Alrashedi” from Oman with “The Blind Man”, “Beatriz Quintana Valle” from Cuba with “How the Coconut Got Juicy!”, “Raquel Lopez Cascales” from Spain with “The Day it Rained Doughnuts”, “Boniface Ofogo” from Spain with “The Heart of Baobab Tree”, “Baeletsi Tsatsi” from South Africa with “Storytelling Stone”, “Veronica Antipolo” from Canada with “My Grandma’s Story”, “Usha Venkatraman” from India with “Story and Song”, “Haytham Shokry” from Egypt with “The Story of Abu Zorzur”, “Shalini Bajaj” from India with “The Story of Yamona”, “Denes Asad” from Palestine with “The Story of a Dream”, “Raeideh Alghermazi” from Tunisia with “Sweet Talk”, “Niyati Vaidyamehta” from India with “A Friend for the Dragon”, “Devaki Bhujang Gajre” from India with “The Day Auntie Left and Came Back”, “Hema Subramanian” from India with “Game”, “Paola Balbi” from Italy with “The Story of the Shepard”, “Shayna Jones” from Africa  with “The Girl and the Rock”, “Marcela Sabio” from Argentina with “The Cricket and the Frog” and “Meher Gehi” from India with “The Evergreen Tree”.

Due to the pandemic, foreign storytellers do not attend the festival in person. On the first and second day of the festival, December 16 and 17, their videos will be displayed for the audience, the jury and the critiques.

Kanoon 23rd International Storytelling Festival with Mohammad Goudarzi Dehrizi as the secretariat is held from 16 to 21 December in the Center for Cultural and Artistic Creation on Hejab St, Tehran.

This event is displayed through Kanoon official page in Instagram at:

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