Kanoon Passed Eight Days with Enthusiasm and Excitement/ Let’s Move Towards the 8th  Exhibition,  Festival and Leap in Toy Industry

Exhibition and the 7th Toy National Festival Market is ended.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the Exhibition and Market of the 7th Kanoon Toy National Festival was inaugurated in the presence of Minister of Education, Yousef Nouri, on April 10, 2022. The last day of the festival, exhibition and market was April 17 that brought hectic nights for Kanoon with the beginning of Ramadan.

Exhibition Facilities and the 7th Toy National Festival Market

This round of the exhibition presented a number of programs, special workshops for painting, pottery, handicraft, creative and dramatic games, calligraphy, and origami. Children were presented with the required items for playing and learning to get together round a table and with the help of Kanoon trainers play and show their creation.

On the other side of the exhibition, Bazita Company had provided facilities for children to play with Lego and toys produced by this company.

105 companies were participating in this exhibition. Some producers were presenting their products at the same booth. Some had prepared booths for the kids to play freely and make decision to buy toys.  One of the notable points of this exhibition was the presence of high quality Iranian intellectual and board games.

We were in Need of such an Atmosphere and Mood after Two Years.

About this round of the exhibition the exhibitor of Fanamouz Company said, “The exhibition was welcomed very well. There was good number of visitors and we had good sale. One of the reasons that there was an eye-catching welcome was the two years of lockdown and no chance of having such events due to the pandemic.

Iran Language Institute had a booth in the exhibition in which it presented its books. Children and adolescents could determine the level of their language skills free of charge. A doll called “Jamal” was present at the booth.

Some children were always present at our programs

Azra Emami, the puppeteer of “Zarbakht” who had a performance at the exhibition said, “I have been Kanoon trainer for many years. The name of the doll performing these nights is “Zarbakht”. This doll along with another doll called “Ghodrat” performed some long-lived games. The interesting point is that we saw certain kids here every night. They were our fixed visitors.

Two dolls called “Malmal” and “Bozbash” staged at different times in another most favored sections.

Toy Exhibition was the host to Wick Uncles, one the most popular children and adolescents programs among various generations.

 “Rokhdad (Event)” produced by Saed Barahimi who was attending the Toy Exhibition every day from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. to report the process of holding of the exhibition.

The exhibition ended while the minister of education expressed important points in the inauguration. He said, “Kanoon provide science-oriented companies with a center for growth and talented groups with a building titled “Center of Technology” or “Fanbazar (Tech-Market)”.

Mehdi Ali Akbarzadeh, Kanoon General Manager, announced that a permanent exhibition to present products for children and adolescents such as books, stationary, toys, entertainment, films and children side equipment at Kanoon.


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