“Playground” at Zabut International Animated Short Film Festival, Italy

“Playground”, an animation made by Samaneh Asadi, experienced its first international presence at competition section of 7th Zabut International Animated Short Film Festival, Italy.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Playground” was displayed with animations from France, Belgium, Germany, Palestine, Lebanon, and Italy on July 29, 2022.

The eight minutes and sixteen seconds animation, “Playground”, is produced by Kanoon and with two-dimensional digital technique.

It is in the summary of the story of “Playground”: Illness and a humdrum hospital life have left her tired and bored, until one day a very special toy is delivered. But will she keep it forever?

Samaneh Asadi is an animator and storyboard designer. She has BA in painting from Art Faculty, Shahed University. “Gone” is first short film she had made. “Playground” is the second animation she has directed.

7th Zabut International Animated Short Film Festival was established with the aim of achieving an international appeal, a path different from other festivals, with cultural innovation and a point of reference for the audience of animated films, and the main focus of the selection of the films of this festival is music and paintings.

The Seventh Zabut International Animated Short Film Festival was held in four stages. In three days, the films of the selection committee were screened, where the audience had the opportunity to vote and actively participate in the festival. At the end of the third night of the festival, the awarding ceremony of the winning films was held by a three-member jury and composers played the soundtracks of the silent short animation films.

The 7th Zabut International Animated Short Film Festival, was held from July 28 to 30 in Italy.


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