News Code: 319949
Publish Date: 8 November 2022 - 08:34
Visit Count 80
“The Retired Wagon” is Published

“The Retired Wagon” by Göknil Özkök, an author from, translated by Shabnam Esmaielzadeh is published by Kanoon Publications.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, this book is for the age category above nine. It is the story of a wagon and a crow.

Göknil Özkök is the author, Shabnam Esmaielzadeh is the translator and Mustafa Dedeoğlu is the illustrator of “The Retired Wagon”.

In the introduction on the cover of the book we read, “The wagon was old, worn out and left alone at the side of the railway. He was willing to get back on the rail again and transfer passengers. One day, a crow came and then others did…Can the old wagon go back on the rail again with the help of his friends?

This book is published following all the copyright laws and with the official permission of Black Cat Agency.

“The Retired Wagon” is Published


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