Results of Painting Festival of “Mythos Land” was Announced

The selected and the meritorious ones of painting festival, “Mythos Land”, were introduced by the director of center for Literary and Artistic Creations of Kanoon.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, based on the agreement concluded between the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in 2022 and with the intention of developing cultural and artistic relations among Asian children and creating a suitable platform for promoting friendship and empathy, the National Festival of Children and Adolescents’ Painting was held for Iranian children and adolescents to depict the beauties of a faraway land with the universal language of painting.

Based on this, the call for “Mythos Land” painting was announced during the National Children Week. The theme for this call was houses, streets, nature, historical monuments, tourist attractions, customs and traditions, culture, myths of China. Also, common cultural-artistic matters of Iran and China. Participants were in two groups: Children (7 to 11) and adolescents (12 to 16).

It should be mentioned that the number of works by Kanoon members were 301 by children and 126 by adolescents. The jury for this painting festival were: Fatemeh Tavakkolinia, Masoumeh Fazeli Moghadas, and Reza Abdoli. They made the selection on Dec 19, 2022. The jury selected six works at children’s section and six at adolescent’s section. Ten paintings were introduced at meritorious.

Results of Painting Festival of “Mythos Land” was Announced
Hadis Salimi, 11, Center 5, Ardabil Province

The opening ceremony of the exhibition and ceremony of appreciation for the winners will be held jointly with the partnership of Kanoon and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in January 2023.

According to this news, a total of 70 works will be displayed in this exhibition, including 22 selected works worthy of recognition and 48 other selected works.

The list of names of selected and meritorious members of the " Mythos Land " painting festival

Selected paintings of children and young adults of the painting festival " Mythos Land "


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