Kanoon General Manager is Going to be Hosted by China Youth Federation

Invited by China Youth Federation and China Embassy, Hamed Alamati, Kanoon general manager and minister of education assistant, is participating as the delegate of Islamic Republic of Iran at the international youth event of Shanghai Organization member countries.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, this event is established by national leaders of China to strengthen communication and cooperation among organizations, youth, and leaders of Shanghai Organization member countries, to promote joint development of youth.

The theme for this one-week event is rearing youth and creating a better future. During the event, the International Youth Cultural Forum and the Youth Development Forum of Shanghai Cooperation Organization are held with the aim of conducting youth dialogues and sharing the work experiences of Shanghai Cooperation Organization countries.

During the event, managers and officials participating at the event will have meetings on topics such as data exchange and mutual learning between civilizations, cultural innovation, economic, commercial cooperation and environmental protection, as well as youth work.

Concerning the closeness of Kanoon activities with this organization, Kanoon general manager along with one of the general managers and one consultant from Kanoon are going to participate in this international event, they will deliver speech about developing youth abilities and creative activities.

The Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Organization, together with the China Youth Federation, will hold this event from September 7 to 12, 2023 in Dunhuang, Gansu Province and Qingdao, Shandong Province.


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