News Code: 331166
Publish Date: 8 October 2023 - 13:41
Visit Count 191
“The Red Shoe” is Published

“The Red Shoe” written by Tang Sulan, the Chinese author, is published by Kanoon.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the books is about a red shoe that is lost and is looking for its other one until it meets a mouse and they look for the lost shoe together.

“Tang Sulan” is the author, “Ali Khakbazan” is the translator and “Wang Ke” is the illustrator of “The Red Shoe”. This book is for the age category above 7.

In the summary on the back of the book we read:

The little mouse helps the red shoe to find its other lost one. But, is the red shoe going to help him, too? Which kind of help? What is the most important in life? Loving others.

Finally, the little mouse who has been alone all his life comes to know that life is not only eating, playing and looking for food, but having a companion and a suitable mate is the most important in life.

This book is published following copyright regulations with the formal permission by Hunan Juvenile and children publishing House, China.

“The Red Shoe” is Published


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