Kanoon Members in Asteroid Search Received International Certificate

Adolescent members of Kanoon Astronomical Search Collaboration who had participated at the international search of asteroids could obtain international certificate.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, active members of specialized astronomy association received the international certificate by the International Astronomical Search Collaboration with the signature of this organization (IASC).

Asteroid Search Campaign is a Scientific Citizen Campaign started internationally since 2006 by International Astronomical Search Collaboration, Hardin Simmons University, Pan-Stars Telescope and NASA as the partners.

 Every year, about 2500 teams from more than 70 countries participate in this campaign.  People from all over the world participate in this scientific citizen campaign.

This campaign is held by “Astronomy Journal” in Iran. This year, about 160 adolescents, girls and boys who are members of Kanoon Astronomy Association participated in this campaign out of which 70 succeeded in obtaining the certificate.

Out of all the planets discovered by these teams, 8 asteroids could receive the basic approval.

The following provinces have participated in this campaign: Alborz, Bushehr, Tehran, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Razavi Khorasan, South Khorasan, North Khorasan, Zanjan, Semnan, Qom, Kerman, Gilan, Lorestan, and Mazandaran.

Based on this, the groups that succeeded in discovering new asteroid are: Sky Investigators Group from Zanjan Province (Two heavenly bodies), Cluster of Researchers group from Qom Province (Two heavenly bodies), Lorestan Shining Stars Group from Lorestan Province (One heavenly body).

Argos Eyes Group from Alborz Province (one), Polaris Group from Bushehr Province (one), and Seven Sky group from North Khorasan (one).

 It should be mentioned that the information provided by other members can affect the updating of NASA info and space organizations about the changes made in the location of heavenly bodies known previously.


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