Majid Ghannad; We should guide children towards stories and storytelling with new and beautiful ways

Majid Ghannad said: Children should be attracted by special and masterful methods through dear experts and good writers who can tell stories to them in a modern way. Because children are much ahead of us.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Majid Ghannad, the referee of the 25th International Storytelling Festival on the use of storytelling at a time when human and adolescents, especially digital and virtual children, can be used: Provided that we help kids in a young age. If this is the case in a young age, we can be well with them. Since the grandmother and grandparents tell the story, then parents, kindergartens and coaches. Now one of the places to work on storytelling for children to bring them creative is Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, is holding the 25th International Storytelling Festival this year.

"But given that we say our children are being drawn through the virtual world to the other, the people who work for the children will certainly become much more efficient," he said. Not only the authorities and coaches of Kanoon, but in the first place, the parents at home must lead the children to the point that they can easily return to storytelling or hearing the story. Fortunately, there are now a book of storybooks through the virtual of the story, and some are working in this way; Because children can learn the way of life and educational and ethical tips through storytelling.

In response to the question, "Can the media like television, radio and even internet programs return the stories to the Iranian families?" And about the necessity of entering the audio and video and written media in the discussion of storytelling, he explained: One hundred percent, but it has a method. Remember that the young man has a world for himself, the child is another world and adolescent on the border of growing up and gaining young. That is why we need to try to do this on the young and the child. Do not remember that just storytelling is not enough; We have to find mysterity and create something for them to be attracted to, such as the computer game that the child is attracted to and likes to follow. Along the way, expert and efficient human beings who are familiar with these issues and have been trying for many years. Should be attracted to children with beautiful skills; It's not just a story.

​"Now his young body is young, his mind is a child," said Ghannad. Our child is the child's body; But his mind is teenage; That is, because of this virtual and computer world, they are ahead of their age. So, you have to be with them and guide them. While not banning them; Because they go more toward it and have to be attracted to special and elaborate techniques through dear experts and good writers who can tell the stories to them today, attract them; Because kids are far ahead of us.

The renowned television presenter responded to the question that "storytelling was national registered as the intangible heritage of the country. What perspective do you have for storytelling in the field of Iranian civilization and culture? Can he find a constant place in the heart of any Iranian family in the coming years? " He also said: Everything is possible but with effort. Storytelling is the oldest form of literature that speaks of ancient times, of history, traditions, religions, rituals and championships, and through the story we can lead our child to this way and guide him to live a good life; Because storytelling and storytelling are songs and paintings that have reached us from previous generations. We should try to teach our kids today. Storytelling is one of the best ways to help grow the child's personality so that we can strengthen the child's personality and intelligence.

Majid Ghannad; We should guide children towards stories and storytelling with new and beautiful ways

Storytelling is one of the best ways to help grow the child's personality so that we can strengthen the child's personality and intelligence.

Storytelling is one of the best ways to help grow the child's personality so that we can enhance the personality and intelligence of the child.

one hand has no sound; Father, mother, grandparents, grandmother, teachers, teachers, especially first-grade teachers- who can help the child's cognitive and social development and creativity- must work together so that children can see these training well. Remember, we are now presented through dear theater actors, storytelling with art tools, as well as narrative, oral, poetic, and religious anecdotes in theaters and libraries. I have seen that good activities are being done in the libraries of the Center for the Intellectual Development of Children and Adolescents.

​The national and international storytelling referee about this year's storytelling festival and adult and adolescent welcome to attend various sections of the festival said: This is very good. Every year, Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults in particular guides children to storytelling. We are in Yazd province this year, and everyone has done well to have a good festival and we can achieve good achievements from this festival and be able to guide many dear artists in this field; Because the same loved ones who are guided are certainly attracting another group among their families.

The television presenter responded to the question, "What do you think will be culturally and literally the results of our society if the intellectual development center is the name of Iran?" Every starting point will have a good way, not only for us but for those we are trying to guide them to storytelling. It's not just that one tells the story; Remember that many dear writers are walking and pen in this way; That's why we will have good success in the future. ​

 "It's not just that teachers, coaches, mothers and the like are helpful; Anyone who feels can take a step in this way is very good to do. I think one of these is the audiovisual, the theater is, and all this has to work together so that we can work well and take good use. ​

The 25th International Storytelling Festival for the second consecutive year in Yazd, the Iranian Storytelling Capital, will be held at the Red Crescent Hall from December 1-8, ​2023.


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