Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents

In meeting with the directors of Syria Revolutionary Youth Union, general manager of Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon) emphasized an increase in cultural interaction in the domain of children and adolescents between Iran and Syria.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, a group of 17, including members and directors of Syria Revolutionary Youth Union (Al-Shabiya al-Thawrah Union) visited various parts of Kanoon. They had a meeting with Hamed Alamati, Kanoon general manager, as well.

Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents

Referring to the killing of oppressed children in Gaza and genocide in Palestine, Hamed Alamati said, “The Zionist regime is killing the most innocent people on the earth. This blood shed prepares the conditions for the appearance of the Promised Savior (Hazrat Hojat, the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi). It is the victory of the resisting front.

He added, “One of the representations of people resisting in the region are Syrians against arrogance. Today, government of Syria and the nation of Syria are victorious.”

Remembering Shahid Soleimani, the martyr, he clarified, “When we mention Syria and resistance, we must mention General Soleimani, also Abou Mahdi Almohandes. We are approaching their anniversary.”

Kanoon general manager said, “I would like to extend my special gratitude to those who organized this meeting. I am happy that you traveled to Iran to visit this children and adolescents cultural complex.”

He continued, “This visit is a chance to transfer knowledge and experience to make models of taste for children and adolescents. To pass this historical turn and to reach the Novel Islamic Civilization, we must invest on children and adolescents.”

Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents

Alamati said, “Rearing the future generation is one of the most strategic plans ahead of the world especially Resisting Front. With a history of 60 years, Kanoon is ready to exchange its experience with you.”

He said, “Our mission is embedded in the title of this organization, Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults, which is the same as cultivating thoughts, therefore books are the main axis. In fact, out activities start with books, continue with books and end with books.”

Kanoon general manager added, “Kanoon performs 60 various activities based on thoughts, preferences and talents of its audience. Films, animations, visual arts, tales, book readings, physical and mental games, theaters and plays or shows are among these programs.”

Alamati said, “Kanoon has 1039 cultural-art centers which children can go to.”

“Producing toys and entertainment, a forty-hectare library, ten million copies of books, and about 50,000 coaches and trainers are other Kanoon facilities. Moreover, Kanoon has produced 460 films and animations for children and adolescents.”

Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents

He continued, “Kanoon operates in non-official atmosphere, outside schools free of obligations and this is attractive to our audience.”

Pointing at “Kanoon Little Bird” as Kanoon symbol, Hamed Alamati said, “When Kanoon logo is seen on a product, it means it is accepted as a standard. Those willing to produce books or toys, if they manage to have Kanoon’s logo on their product, it means they have received families trust. Families have trust on Kanoon Little Bird.

On the other hand, people are our most important capital which is called social capital.

He continued, “We ourselves go to children and adolescents. This is our policy. We do not wait for them to come to us.”

At the end, Hamed Alamati extended his greetings to the guests. He said, “With the participation of Kanoon prominent authors, artists, filmmakers we can organize workshops to transfer the knowledge. We can provide you with Kanoon books and films for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. We can organize camping and various programs for you.

Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents

In the rest of the meeting, Iran Language Institute's director presented a report about this educational center. He said, “Ten different languages are taught at Iran Language Institute such as English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Chinese, Stromboli Turkish, and Arabic. Farsi is taught. to non-Farsi speaking learners, as well.

Yaser Zangeneh reminded that there is chance to translate Farsi books to Arabic and vice versa now that a translating department has started working at Kanoon.

He proposed to conclude a memorandum of understanding between Kanoon and Syria Revolutionary Youth Union. Also, to start a Kanoon branch and Iran Language Institute in Syria.

Based on the news, Somayeh Sadat Ebrahimi, general director of the general manager’s field, and consultant in women and family affairs, presented a report about Kanoon activities and productions at the beginning of this meeting.

Syria Revolutionary Youth Union (Al-Shabiya al-Thawrah Union) was established in 1996. They operate in junior high schools and high schools in Syria. This group has branches in all provinces and cities in Syria.

It is reminded that visitors from Syria, visited the Reference Library, animation and cinematography workshop, cinema-theater (student cinema), Kanoon Center for Cultural-Artistic Creations, Creative Art Workshop, National Museum of Children and Young Adults Art and Literature...

Developing Cultural Interaction between Iranian and Syrian Children and Adolescents


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