“In the Shadow of Cypress” made way to the competition section of Tokyo Anime Award
 Festival, 2024

“In the Shadow of Cypress” directed by Hossein Molayemi and Shirin Sohani entered the competition section of Tokyo Anime Award Festival, 2024.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “In the Shadow of Cypress”, a Kanoon animation, this time has participated at the competition section of Tokyo Anime Award Festival.

The nineteen-minute and thirty-second animation “In the Shadow of Cypress” produced by Kanoon which has recently received four prizes from Tehran International Animation Festival.

Based on the news, 32 feature movies from 25 countries and 925 short animations from 68 countries have applied to participate in this round of the festival. 29 films including 4 feature films and 25 short films were selected by TAAF, the primary jury.

Out of 25 short films which made way to the competition section, “In the Shadow of Cypress” will compete with eight short films from Malaysia, Poland, France, Denmark, Croatia, and Serbia in group No 3.

The International Animation Awards is held by TAAF in Japan every year with the goal of discovering and rearing new talents, producing animations in Japan, displaying original and high-quality animations, bringing up excitement and getting inspired by the best works for the audience and the directors, developing and promoting culture and animation industry.

Tokyo Anime Award Festival is held in Ikebukuro, Japan from 8 to 11 March, 2024.


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