Iranian Kid Success at XXVII Concurso de dibujo infantil 2023 “Este es mi México” ESPECIES, OCÉANOS Y MARES DE MÉXICO

An Iranian kid was the winner of 27th International Drawing Competition in Mexico, 2023.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, 27th Mexico International Children’s Drawing Competition was held in Mexico with the title of “This is My Mexico.” “Roshana Zomorrod Ezzat” ,9, from Kanoon center No 1 in Kermanshah province was introduced as one of the main winners out of 14.

The organizers of this round of the competition has asked children and adolescents of the world to draw their imagination of Mexico geographical situation which lies across the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, California Golf, Mexico Golf, and the Caribbean Sea.

 In order to highlight the importance of the cultural and natural wealth, as well as to promote the care of the species, oceans and seas of Mexico,

the community of Mexicans abroad, a decentralized body of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the supervision of the Chancellor's Office holds this competition.

2947 pieces of drawings had been sent to the 27th Mexico International Drawing Competition. Kanoon had participated at this round of the competition with 146 works by its members.

It is reminded that an exhibition of the winners’ drawings will be held at Mexico cultural center. These works will be published in 2024 calendar given to the winners with their prizes.


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