Kanoon Melody, Teacher, Reached the Semi-final Stage of US Music Festival

A melody called “Teacher” from Hajastam-O-Vajastam Album composed by Aydin Kazemizad reached the semi-final of stage of the 29th Songwriting Festival Music in USA.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, the audio album of “Hajastam-O-Vajastam” is produced with a creative approach following world standards by Kanoon.
Last year, too, “Hajastam-O-Vajastam” Album won Global Music Awards for the first time. It also won two awards from US Academia.
Now, as the outcome of these achievements, “Teacher”, a melody from this album managed to reach the semi-final stage of the 29th World Music Festival, USA.
The album, “Hajastam-O- Vajastam” includes 12 tracks with the following names: “Teacher”, “Rain”, “Game”, “Treasure”, “Hajastam (Jumped)”, “Animals”, “Pigeon”, “Book”, “Home”, “God”, “Color Pencile”, “Trip”, “Sounds”. Only “Teacher” was sent to this festival.
Roya Asadi, Saber Jafari, and little Sarina Kazemizad were the ones who did the reading.

Kanoon Melody, Teacher, Reached the Semi-final Stage of US Music Festival

It is reminded that “Hajastam-O-Vajastam” is a merger of Iranian classic music with modern themes in a homogeneous way combined with classical instruments.


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