News Code: 293614
Publish Date: 4 December 2019 - 09:06
Visit Count 163
Iranian Children and Adolescents Selected in Japan Hikari Painting Contest

Ten Kanoon Members were selected in Hikari Painting Contest.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, 26th Hikari International Painting Contest, Japan, was held with the theme of farming, farming land, nature, environment, people and family.

Setareh Shahveisi, 9, from Center No 10 in Kermanshah received the golden prize and certificate of appreciation in this contest.

Helia Karimi, 8, from Kanoon Center No 3, Shiraz

Hasti Roudbrarani, 9, from Kanoon Center No 21, Tehran

Artin Soleimani, 9, from Kanoon Center in Boukan, West Azarbaijan,

Ilika Cheraghi, 9, from Kanoon Center No 10, Kermanshah

Fatemeh Moamar, 14, from Parsabad Center in Ardebil received Bronze prize and certificate of appreciation.

Elham Gharanjiki, 7, from Ghomishan Center in Gholestan

Setareh Nesari, 7, from Kanoon Center No 22 from Tehran

Baran Didehban, 9, from Dezfoul Center in Khouzestan

Maryam Yazdani, 15, from Ahvaz received honorary diploma in this contest.

Out of 18146 pieces of painting from 76 countries, ten Kanoon members obtained prizes in this contest.

Kanoon participated in this contest by sending 1059 pieces of painting.


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