The Best World Animation Participating at Twelfth Tehran International Animation Festival

Animation Festival Secretary Announced that the most Prestigious World Animations are Participating at the International Section of Tehran International Animation Festival.

In a conversation with Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, Mohammad Reza Karimi Saremi said, “Among the animations sent to the international office of the festival, there are certain works that have received awards from various sections of festivals like Annecy, Zagreb, Clermont, Stuttgart, Montreal, Ottawa, Slovakia, and Edinburg. They also have been winner and nominee of the Oscar semi-final.

The festival secretary added that the short film, “Daughter” directed by Daria Kashcheeva, a Czech Republic product, has won 55 awards from various festivals namely the Oscar, Annecy, and Melbourne. “The Kite”, a film by Martin Smatana from Czech Republic has won 31 awards including Annecy.

As Karimi Saremi stated,“Another short film attending the festival is “Uncle Thomas, Accounting for the Days” directed by Regina Pessoa, a joint product by Canada, Portugal and France, that has won 16 awards and was the nominee for the Oscar semi-final (award) at 92nd round of the Oscar for the best short animation.

He said two films on the list are: “Serial Parallels” by Max Hattler, a joint product by Hong Kong and Germany, winner of 15 awards from Annecy and Montreal and “Per Aspera Ad Astra” by Frank Dion from France, has won the award for the best animation from New York Short Film Festival.

Kanoon Deputy of Production reminded that “Freeze Frame” directed by Soetkin Verstegen, a 2019 product from Belgium, has won 20 awards from festivals such as Zagreb, Clermont, and “Gravedad” directed by Matisse (Matias) Gonzalez from Germany has won 12 awards from Ottawa, Canada are animations sent to the international section of the animation festival.

Karimi Saremi added that “Muedra” directed by Cesar Diaz Melendez from Spain has won 36 awards. The short animation, “Don’t Know What” by Thomas Renoldner from Austria, 2019 has won 16 awards are sent to the competition section of the festival.

It is reminded that Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon)  holds the 12th Tehran International Animation Festival in 2022.


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