ANIMANIMA International Animation Festival Hosts “Being Ten”

“Being Ten”, an animation directed by Fatemeh Jafari made way to the competition section of the 17th round of Animanima International Animation Festival.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “Being Ten”, the last work by Fatemeh Jafari produced by Kanoon in 2023, entered the competition section of 17th International Animation Festival of Animanima in Serbia, 2023.

Those films made way to this festival are displayed in two sections of competition and non-competition every year.

Based on this, works entering at competition section will compete at two sections of formal and children. At the non-competition section, the admitted works are classified in two sections of feature animations and panorama.

Another international presentation of “Being Ten” was making way to the competition section of the 19th International Animation Festival at Varna in Bulgaria, winning the third award of the 11th International Animation Festival of Gold Queen Constantine in Serbia, and entering at the competition section of 39th International Animation Festival of Cartoon Club in Italy.

The 17th round of Animanima Festival is being held in Cacak, Serbia from 19 to 23 September 2023.


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