News Code: 338894
Publish Date: 21 April 2024 - 07:44
Visit Count 73
Three Kanoon Movies Attending Lucknow International Children Film Festival, India

Three films produced by Kanoon made way to the competition section of the 13th CMS Lucknow International Children Film Festival, India.

According to Kanoon General Directorate for Public Relations and International Affairs, “The Ocean Behind the Window” directed by Babak Nabizadeh is admitted at the competition section for feature films; “Being Ten” directed by Fatemeh Jafai and “No Substitute” directed by Abdollah Alimorad are admitted at the competition section of short animations.

This festival is one of the most popular ones among children film festivals in India. Every round of the festival, it hosts thousands of children from various centers and kindergartens in Uttar Pradesh State in India.

The goal of holding this festival at this level of children and adolescent’s participation is to provide space for producers and children filmmakers to express their outlooks for more growth and promoting children’s capacity by watching instructional and meaningful films. Also, to promote friendship and cooperation among people of the world.

13th CMS Lucknow International Children's Film Festival is being held from 15 to 21 April 2024 in Lucknow, India.


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