Abbas Jahangirian
Farhad Hassanzadeh’s and Abbas Jahangirian’s Books are Translated to Armenian language
Two Iranian Novels for Youth Unveiled in Armenia.
Two Kanoon novels, “The Shadow of the Monster” written by Abbas Jahangirian and “A Melody for Wednsdays” written by Farhad Hassanzadeh were unveiled at the National Library for Children and Adolescents in Armenia.
Nominee for the Award of Iran Book of the Year!
“The Shadow of the Monster” is Published in English
“The Shadow of the Monster”, a novel written by Abbas Jahangirian translated by Mitra Khatoonabadi is published by Kanoon in English.
In a Ceremony in Moscow
IBBY Tablet of Honor was presented to “Shadow of the Monster” written by Abbas Jahangirian
IBBY Tablet of Honor was given to “Shadow of the Monster” written by Abbas Jahangirian concurrently with the second day of International Board on Books for Young People in Russia. IBBY Tablet of Honor for the selected books in 2020 was given to “Shadow of the Monster written by Abbas Jahangirian published by Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults Publication.
The Story of Water and Water Supply
“Water Dream” from “Our Ancestors” Collection Published
“Water Dream”, a book written by Abbas Jahangirian, from “Our Ancestors” collection is published and sent to the market by Kanoon
“The Shadow of a Monster” in IBBY Honorable List
Children’s Book Council of Iran introduced Abbas Jahangirian’s novel to the Honorable Mention of the Written Works of IBBY 2020.