Mohammad Ali Soleimanzadeh
“Black or White” Animation in the Wonder Land of Nancy, France
“Black or White”, a short animation directed by Mohammad Ali Soleimanzadeh and a Kanoon production in 2017, is participating at the cultural-art event at “Wonder Land” in France.
Produced by Kanoon
“Amazing Crow and Sparrow” Attending Vesoul International Film Festival of Asian Cinema, France
The collection of “Amazing Crow and Sparrow” includes three short animation by Kanoon is going to be displayed at adolescents section, Vesoul Festival.
“Black or White” in Elche Festival, Spain
“Black or White”, an animation directed by Mohammad Ali Soleimanzadeh produced at Kanoon, took a trip to Spain 42nd Elche Festival.
“Black & White” in Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF)
“Black & White” animation directed by Mohammad Ali Soleimanzadeh has hit the short film contest section at 23rd Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival.