“My Imaginary World” on the Way to Beijing
“My Imaginary World” written and directed by Behnaz Mehdikhah produced by Kanoon Theater and Puppet Theater Production Center is on the way to the 7th Beijing International Puppet Festival.
Produced by Kanoon Theater Center
“Marvelous Quoting of Gord Afarid” on Saint Petersburg Stage
“Marvelous Quoting of Gord Afarid” directed by Rahmatollah Amini was staged at the 33rd Baltic House International Theater Festival, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
“My Imaginary Skirt” Made Way to Bursa International Festival, Turkey
“My Imaginary Skirt” written and directed by Behnaz Mehdikhah produced by Kanoon Theater Center is being staged in the 26th Bursa International Children and Youth Theater Festival in Turkey.